Flye 1389
Architect: Knut Hjeltnes Sivilarkitekter mnal AS
Location: Valdresflye, Norway
Type: Restaurant
Year: 2020
Photographs: Knut Hjeltnes, Maria Judith Aaberge, Marius Hagaløkken, Mats Resch, Øystein Torheim/ Frequency.no, Sigurd Fandango, Åver Håndverkssnikker
The following description is courtesy of the architects. Flye 1389 is located at the top of the road across Valdresflye, in the middle of the barren landscape. There are impressive and varied views in all directions, while the plain itself is very characteristic with its strewn rocks and thin cover of moss and grasses. Weather conditions are extreme and the road is closed during the winter.
The parking lot and building creates a clear distinction between processed and natural landscape.

The building is divided in two with a covered passage that can be used as an area for waxing skis and similar activities. The café is on the north side of the passage with magnificent views towards the Jotunheimen mountains. Services are located to the south of the passage.

Maria Judith Aaberge Mats Resch