Hinwil, Switzerland
Description provided by idA. In the triangle between Gossauerstrasse and Heuweidlistrasse a multi-family house with low-cost apartments was realized in 7 units of 4.5 and 6.5 room flats.

The building is aligned parallel to the Heuweidlistrasse and is based on the scale of the opposite buildings. The diversification of the volume against the garden ensures an approach to the smaller-sized district structure south of the Heuweidlistrasse.

The floor plan internalizes the geometry of urban planning. On the one hand, the play with the angles leads to generous, flowing spatial sequences in the area of living, dining, cooking and on the level of the closed room structure, creates chambers with a specific character.

The facade was carried out in Duripanel gold and silver.

Project Details
Title: New Apartment Building. Hinwil/ZH
buehrer wuest architekten sia ag Nordstrasse 139
CH-8037 Zurich
+41 44 383 11 80
www.id-a.ch i@id-a.ch
Valentin Jeck
Vertreten durch:
Tina Aich Fotografen
Weinbergstrasse 81
CH-8006 Zurich
Client: Private
Location: Hinwil, ZH, Switzerland
Completion: 2018