Description provided by Mecanoo Architecten with edits. This week NS (Dutch Railways), Mecanoo and Gispen presented a joint vision on the train interior of the future.

Arne Lijbers, associate architect at Mecanoo says: “The train of the future will be a dynamic, open environment that permits all kinds of passenger activities. The train isn’t just a tube that you travel in from point A to point B. It’s a comfortable place to spend time where you feel at home and where a variety of activities that passengers want to do are possible.”

The design focuses on a flexible and modular train interior that enables a wide variety of configurations and facilitates train passengers’ diverse activities.

With the flexible twelve-module furniture system, a suitable combination can be made for every type of train for an optimal travel environment.

The design will be presented at the Innovation Expo 2018 in Rotterdam this week, but from 20 to 28 October we will be present at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven where everyone will be able to experience the design for themselves.