The following description is courtesy of sandellsandberg arkitekter.
Eriksberg, Sweden – Synvillan, a name which translates Optical Illusion, is a nature residence located at Eriksberg in Blekinge which allows visitors sleep securely surrounded by wild animals.
The vision was to incorporate the region’s traditional residential architecture, like the thatched roof, with contemporary elements of reflecting, dented sheet metal. The solution became an astonishing elevated, mirrored villa placed on pillars – four meters off the ground, with thatched roof and walls covered with one polished patterned steel plate whose reflective properties aim to make the illusion of a dissolved house, which disappears into nature.

Åke E:son Lindman Åke E:son Lindman

Synvillan floats over the ground of a feeding area where the animals eat. Through a glass panel in the floor, visitors have the chance to see European bison, red deer, fallow deer, mouflon and wild boar that roam freely together in the fenced nature reserve.
Åke E:son Lindman Åke E:son Lindman

Åke E:son Lindman Åke E:son Lindman
At Eriksberg the biological diversity is preserved and developed, which makes the nature reserve to one of the most interesting nature experiences in Scandinavia. The new accommodation allows visitors to get closer to both animals and nature. The building is fifty squaremeters, has two rooms, a kitchen and a furnished terrace. The unit is powered by solar energy and gas.
Photography by Åke E:son Lindman, lindmanphotography.com/