The following description is courtesy of Kengo Kuma & Associates.
Taketa City, Oita Prefecture, Japan – A museum located in Takeda, the castle town of Bungo Oka Castle, which is famous as an impregnable castle. Rentaro Taki, who was born in Taketa, composed “Arajo no Tsuki” with the theme of Oka Castle. The building was designed as a white wall by combining white walls and bamboo lattices along the streets of a castle town with a tasteful waterway.

The Ibushi bamboo lattice is extended indoors, where the history of the castle town and the work of the literary artist “Tanomura Chikuden” from the Oka domain are exhibited.

The entire town was redesigned as a historical excursion space by connecting the former Tanomura Chikuden residence “Historic Site Takedaso” on the slope of the back mountain with an elevator with a lattice design.

Project Details
- Project Title: Taketa History and Culture Museum
- Location as applicable: Japan, Oita, Taketa-City
- Design Period and Completion Date:
- Design Period: 2017.04-2018.10
- Completion Date 2020.01.31
- Total Floor Area: 1237.52㎡
- Purpose: Museum
- KKAA Staff Credit: Minoru Yokoo, Shoichi Murai, Hiroyasu Imai, Tomohiro Matsunaga
- Photo Credit: Kawasumi・Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
Collaborating offices/ Subcontractor
- Exhibition: Fujiya
- Structure: Ejiri Architects
- Equipment: Morimura Design
- Construction: Morita Construction